Year of Knowing Me

 Every school year, we have a new theme at Newlands Primary. This year the theme is Year of Knowing Me.

We will be focusing on developing SELF-REGULATION.

This is about children learning how to be independent in their ability to take responsibility for the choices that they make. We always focus on GOOD CHOICES in every part of their lives even when others are not making good choices as they are responsible for their own behaviour, actions and reactions to others in different situations.

We will look at it through attitude, belief about change, effort, challenge, learning and mistakes. We will approach each area through different aspects that include growth mindset, mindfulness & well-being and metacognition.

On each Monday we set a weekly challenge for the children on on of the focuses using a different aspect. They will work on this focus in class as well and we encourage parents to support us in this journey of "Knowing Me" at home. This will support your child not only for this year but the skills learned will support them from their entire life.

We look forward to our journey together!